For some reason, when we hear a "Stars They're Just Like Us!"-type story about Lena Dunham, we tend believe it. After all, it's her personable (albeit sometimes controversial) voice — both on and off camera — that's captured the hearts of so many viewers and fans. Still, when we learned that she procrastinates, writes in her underwear, and finds inspiration from her own mother and grandmother, the "voice of a generation," becomes all the more relatable.
In her latest interview with Salon, Dunham admits she's a bit tired of talking about her body image (or the image of her body the media clings to), even though her perspective changes from question to question. She does, however, open up about her writing process and where she stands with season three of Girls and her forthcoming book. (The latter, she says, will go into copy editing in just two weeks — eee!) And, even though everything is on track, Dunham does have a tendency to dawdle: "I want so much to be someone who sees something and writes it down in their beautiful leather notebook. The fact is that I write under duress, often in my bed, often at the last minute. I’m kind of a binge writer I would say, which I don’t support." We'll do as you say not as you do, Lena!
Maybe more inspiring, though, LD spoke highly of the viral slam poem video about women respecting their bodies and voices. Dunham says she's never been one to apologize for taking up space, "It’s funny, I don’t know, maybe it’s a selfishness thing, but when there are only a few chairs or something, I’m never the person who is like, 'I’ll stand.' I always sit down, because I prize comfort highly." Whatever the reason may be, we'd gladly give up our seat for Lena — so long as she keeps up her procrastinating writing routine. And, so long as she's wearing pants. (Salon)