Goodness knows we're suckers for a Tumblr that aggregates ridiculous things. So, when we read about Bad Engagement Photos on Mashable, we were pretty excited to check out the weirdness. However, we were surprised to find out that rather than being bad, these photos were actually amazing.
Let us clarify. They are certainly not traditional. They are, in many cases, very strange, and often quite silly. And, in fact, they're rather delightful, in a very literal sense. While soft focus certainly plays a large part (and there are plenty of lackluster photos featured), we found most of the submissions to be much more memorable than your standard stuff. Even if they aren't everyone's tastes, they seemed to reflect the couples' personalities and that's really what this should be about, right?
The blog pokes fun in a pretty harmless way most of the time, but we're half inclined to start up a competing Tumblr with similar images about awesomely weird engagement photos. One bride seems to agree that this isn't bad company, as she submitted an engagement photo herself, below:

We can see how it would be disheartening to have your photo featured here. But, if you happen to spot yours, take note: We're not judging. (Tumblr)