Apple Maps Is About To Get Way More Awesome

applemapsPhoto courtesy of Apple
Apple Maps sure has come a long way since its much maligned launch in 2012, when the many glitches and errors that initially defined the app led to a chorus of boos from The cult of Mac, who expected far more from the tech giant. Especially if they planned on stealing users away from the ubiquitous Google Maps.
Well, as usual, it looks like Apple is set to have the last laugh.
In the year since its launch, Apple Maps has gained 35 million regular users, while Google Maps fell from 81 million users in September 2012, to 58.7 million users by September of this year. That means that when given the choice between the two, directionless users are using Apple maps six times more than they are Google Maps. And, with news breaking that Apple has filed a patent for an exciting new "interactive maps" feature, look for that number to increase very soon. The feature will include different "modes," like weather, tourism, or commerce by using data pulled from the Internet and layered onto the map. Naturally, the information will be location based. According to the patent, which was published by The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office earlier this month, "A shopping map might typically include stores and other retail establishments in an area of interest; in contrast, a [map] intended for use by outdoor enthusiasts may include hiking and biking trails, campsites, parks and terrain information."
Apple also plans on making their Maps search function more intuitive, as well, by including different modes like "shopping" or "sightseeing." Or for those of you that are looking to buy the Mona Lisa and don't know here to find it, "shopping & sightseeing." (Apple Insider)

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