The Only Beauty Trick Curly-Haired Ladies Need To Master

CurlyHair_Braid_060_WinnieAuPhotographed by Winnie Au.
New to the curly hair community and need some advice for what to do with those hands while you're waiting for your curls to dry (the au natural way)? Then come on over. It's time to introduce you to plopping.
Plopping isn't really a new concept, though its name is probably a pretty big reason why it isn't openly discussed as often as it should be. The reason why a technique like plopping is so necessary, though, is really easy to understand: The more you touch your curls while they dry, the frizzier they are going to be.
Having frizzy curls pretty much eliminates all the pre-pooing, co-washing, and oil applying that got you to this point. Plopping will make sure your curls stay intact, frizz-free, out of your face, and even give you some extra volume just as a nice side benefit.
To start, lay out a cotton T-shirt or microfiber towel on your bed. A regular towel pulls at your curls and can create frizz when you remove the towel from your head. So, simply avoid using a towel at all when it comes to your hair and use either a microfiber towel or just an old cotton tee.
Doing this one thing, and not just for plopping, but for anytime you dry your hair, will reduce a lot of frizz. After your T-shirt or microfiber towel is spread out on the bed, simply flip your head over and slowly place your curls on it. Grab the ends of the towel and begin twisting them in a way that creates Pippi Longstocking-type twists on both sides of your head. This helps to keep your curls secure underneath the towel.
Pull both twists to the back of your neck and secure them by either tying them together (which works best if you're using a T-shirt) or securing them with clips (which is usually what must be done if you are using a microfiber towel).
Leave your hair in the plopping position for at least 30 minutes — the towel will help pull any excess water out so that your hair dries faster and the fiber material will help to reduce frizz.
Before you head out the door, be sure to release your hair from the wrap and apply a leave-in conditioner or a light oil, like rose or grapeseed oil to add hydration and seal the cuticle.

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