We know: Spewing off your laundry list of resolutions is a helluva lot easier than, er, actually sticking with them. And, chances are you’ve probably already been tempted to revert from that juice cleanse and scarf down a breakfast burrito — and it’s only a week in. Well, keeping those goals may not be as daunting as you think.
Enter, HAPIfork, a new robotic-like nutritionist of sorts at your fingertips. It's a digital, bluetooth-enabled fork that monitors food consumption and pace and sends the data straight to your smartphone so you’ll know if things are getting out of hand (a.k.a it reminds you to breathe in between bites).
If you take more than one chomp per 10 seconds, you will be alerted with a harmless buzz to remind you to slow it down. Strict stuff! But, lest we forget that most of life’s culinary indulgences are not eaten with a fork — ahem, burgers, pizza, ice cream! So, sorry HAPIfork, you can’t stop us there. What do you think of this techie utensil? Will you be digging in with it? For $100 a pop, call us old-fashioned, but we think we’ll stick to the metal iterations — with a boatload of willpower, of course. (The Wall Street Journal)