With New Year's Day falling on a Wednesday, last week might've felt a bit...off-balance. Kicking off a new lifestyle, making some sort of change, or beginning a new adventure in the middle of the week lends itself to scheduling vertigo. But now, after the weekend, it's time to buckle down and get cracking on all the things we've decided to project into the 2014 ether.
The whole new-year-means-new-identity mentality can feel crass. We do not simply wake up on January 1 anew. In fact, we're more likely to wake up feeling groggy and not like ourselves at all. Which is why we align with The Style Con's Arabelle Sicardi's recent op-ed discussing her resistance to resolutions. "I don’t believe in them," she writes, "but I do believe in constant and continual reinvention and welcome the opportunity to shed my skin time and time again." She then dives into how she plans of evolving her beauty game over the next 359 days.
Her list isn't about being pretty. It's about strong women using makeup not as a cover-up, but as an extension of their personalities. Despite the costume-y vibe of her list, from Daryl Hannah's Blade Runner look to Lady Vengeance's red eye shadow, the intention is far from camp. These are women who are in tune with themselves and committed to their characters. Their strong use of makeup is empowering. These are women who could teach us all a lesson or two about what it means to be confident in our appearance. Though wearing a full, exaggerated McQueen lip to work might not be entirely appropriate, it's the nerve of these women that can inspire us to, yes, have a Happy New Year. (The Style Con)