Ever since Coco Chanel stepped onto the fashion stage, it seems that the rest of us mere mortals have been in total awe of French women’s insouciant brand of style. And, as
The Independent
reports, there seems to be no sating our appetite for self-help guides from this country's chic citizens. Next week, the author of French Women Don’t Get Fat, Mireille Guiliano, publishes her second book,
French Women Don’t Get Facelifts: The Secret Of Aging With Style And Grace.
This title seeks to give us the inside track on how the French make looking good look just so simple.
Perhaps it is time to put these cultural stereotypes to bed for good. Because this is what they are: stereotypes. Rather than perpetuate the myth, let’s acknowledge and celebrate what makes this country so wonderful. And, yes we're definitely including croissants as one of the reasons we love France so much.
(The Independent)