Jill Brown’s 2013 New Year's Resolutions
1. Learn a foreign language.
2. Travel and explore. Florida doesn't count.
3. Chill the F out. Be more patient.
4. Follow my dreams, even if it's challenging. Break the golden handcuffs.
5. Eat cleaner. Häagen-Dazs being the exception. Duh.
6. Prioritize. Figure out what's really important. Act on it.
7. Don't try to control everything and everyone.
8. Squash the ego.
9. Let the little things go.
10. Give back.
Mid-Season Replacement Resolutions, April 2013
1. To stay alive.
2. To remain neurologically intact.
3. And, if at all possible, to keep my hair.
The next day was a different story. Cue the fog and dizziness. Everyone seemed to be moving so fast. I felt like I was inside a video game maneuvering around them. My sister Kelly urged me to return to the hospital for further testing. I decided I would go, both because my sister can be relentless and because I thought perhaps there would be an opportunity to meet a hot doctor.
After a CT scan, the physician's assistant (not hot and not nice) stooped down and stared at me with pity. "You present with a significant mass on your frontal lobe." A whaaat? "You have a large, convexity meningioma." Nothing registered. I mentioned that I went to a state university where I majored in tanning and partying, so I would need an explanation without big words.
Medical term: a significant mass on my frontal lobe
Laymen’s term: a big f’n brain tumor
