Think all one-on-one sharing applications are for covertly sending snaps of your booty? Not anymore. This fresh-on-the-scene program for iPhones, Confide, was practically made for professionals looking to share office politics or off-the-record tidbits without worrying that the message will lead back to them.
How exactly does it ensure you don’t become known as your company’s resident Gossip Girl? When you send a message via Confide, the exchange appears in orange blocks that require swiping of the text to read each word, and once you stop swiping, it goes back to blocks like pumpkins at midnight. So, even if your shady colleague wanted to take a screenshot your note, nothing but the squares would appear. Talk about nixing the paper trail.
Best yet, once your confidant reads the message just once, the blocks crumble away like nothing ever happened. This way, no one can ever prove you've got a cubicle crush — score! Confide is available to download now for all iOS users (for free!), so go ahead and spill your guts without having to swallow your words later.