New year, new opportunity to go all OCD on your life, right? (Or, is that just us?) Rather than getting Draconian with masochistic diet and exercise routines, we ladies here in the R29 beauty department tend to take a moment this time of year to figure out which small changes we can make in our lives that will have the biggest impact on our happiness. And, because we are who we are, this quest for organization and order almost always starts in our makeup drawers.
The women over at The Beauty Department obviously took a hint from our resolution playbook with their latest post on how to streamline your powder eyeshadows and blush into one awesome makeup-artist-worthy palette. They offered up genius tips on everything from how to get the little pans out of the bulky compact (Hint: Apply some heat) to how to keep track of which shades are which. The result: All of your pretties in one delightfully rainbow-hued palette, so you can mix and match your makeup without opening and closing a billion tiny compacts. Genius!
Bonus: Besides making us feel like we totally have our shiz together, we have a feeling that this setup would encourage us to branch out with our daily makeup looks more often, as we would actually be able to see what we have. We're sold — off to the art supply store we go!
(The Beauty Department)

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