Michelle Obama On Plastic Surgery: “Never Say Never”

rexusa_1459068dPhoto: Patsy Lynch/REX USA.
Michelle Obama is notoriously cool: The woman stopped the presses when she got bangs, people. But, besides her obvious style and beauty savvy, we like that MObama keeps it real, as evidenced by her recent, honest opinions about plastic surgery.
The Associated Press reports that in an issue of People releasing this Friday in time for MObama's 50th birthday, FLOTUS gives her views on turning the big 5-0 as well as a good many other topics, like plastic surgery, Botox, and fillers. "Women should have the freedom to do whatever they need to do to feel good about themselves," she reportedly states in the article. “Right now, I don’t imagine that I would go that route. But I’ve learned to never say never.”
As for us, we'd like to think of plastic surgery and Botox in an imaginary glass case marked "In Case Of Emergency." We also want to believe we'd never need to use such measures, but if things suddenly start to go horribly, oh-snap-what-just-happened wrong, we'd like to keep our options open. Right now, our goal is to look as good as Obama once the clock strikes midnight on our 50th birthday. The woman is well-preserved and leaving most of us in the dust the old-fashioned way: through clean living and exercise. Sign us up for that part. (Associated Press)

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