Love Guys With Beards? You Might Just Be A Beardizer

beard-embedPhoto: Via Garance Doré.
According to blogger Garance Doré, the beard is a trend that simply won't die in NYC. As Doré writes, there really is no reason for men to give up on the trend. ("They only have to look good from the cheeks up. They don’t have to shave. They can look like they’re from Brooklyn even if they live in the Financial District.") Hey, we don't blame them: It's always nice when a beauty trend allows us to actually do less — we're thinking of the death of perfectly blown-out hair's popularity, the dominance of fuller brows, and the more recent abandonment of tanning. High fives all around!
And, as Doré points out, men aren't the only ones benefitting from the rise in popularity of male facial hair. Women also seem to be eating it up like never before. (Says Doré: "My friends are crazy about guys with beards and tattoos, but girls, not all guys with beards and tattoos are good.") Chalk it up to the classic bad-boy attraction, but a guy who looks like a lumberjack with a motorcycle always seems to send female hearts atwitter.
While there's no harm in having a type, Doré points out that it's a little ironic (and hypocritical) that women fault guys who only date blondes or pursue models (a.k.a. modelizers). Doré writes that, as much as most of us women like to think we're less shallow than many men, "we have an epidemic of beardizers on our hands." Touché, Garance. Touché.

So, readers, what do you think of the seemingly never-ending beard trend? Are you a beardizer? Or, do you refuse to judge a book man by his facial hair?
(Garance Doré)

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