Step aside HBO — you're no longer the coolest kid on the premium-television block. According to new research from the NPD Group, the number of U.S. households subscribing to Netflix increased by 4% from March 2012 to August 2013. During that same time, HBO and Showtime saw a 6% decrease in customers.
At the moment, there's not enough data to prove whether these two trends are linked, but we're betting this isn't just a coincidence. Could it be that TV fans are actually canceling their cable in favor of Netflix? We can totally see why. The digital-subscription service is not only more economic than its old-school counterpart, but the smart, seriously addictive, original programming like House of Cards (which just earned its first Golden Globe, we might add) also sets it apart.
But, on the other hand, as much as we love Crazy Eyes from Orange Is The New Black, we could never see the day we give up Hannah Horvath altogether. So, is Netflix really the new HBO? You be the judge. (Vulture)