When it comes to love, size may not matter. But, when it comes to lovin', size can certainly be a game changer. After all, it's not the size of the — ya know what? We're gonna forego euphemisms. You cannot do with a large penis that which you can do with average-sized equipment. There's a reason there are Magnum condoms, and that reason doesn't always fit into your vagina.
Though she claims she's no sexpert, Bustle's Gabrielle Moss offers sound advice for how to handle sex when the man's penis is larger than life. Moss cannot stress enough the importance of lube. She says it should be everywhere, especially on the vaginal opening, as it will help decrease rawness. She also suggests you be open to different positions. Namely, you should take Bey's advice and put your love on top. Less friction, you know?
Moss emphasizes that you should be creative about foreplay. For the well-endowed, it may be nearly impossible to rely on penetration alone for orgasms. She also encourages the use of sex toys. Namely, vibrators, since they can help relax your vaginal muscles. Just remember that you should be open about what's working and what's not. Have a conversation about positions that are uncomfortable, speed, and general feelings. Remember, honesty and intimacy are a package deal. (Bustle)