If there’s one home site that continually brings us back again and again it's The Selby. Todd Selby is a visual master at unearthing and showing us spots that tell a distinct narrative — and of course, make us want to redecorate our place. From Edible Selby to his newest Fashionable Selby, we can’t get enough. So, combine that with another site we frequent for home (and office) inspiration, Airbnb, and you’ve got interior gold.
The Selby got the green light from Airbnb to crash in stellar apartments from London, Paris, and Tokyo all the way to Sydney and L.A., all whilst documenting hosts’ lives and abodes. If that doesn't top your list of dream job and vacation all in one, than we don't know what will. His colorful memories via snapshots and sketches of his rediscovery of the world’s coolest cities run the gamut from Rue Montorgueil in Paris to fantasy robots in a Japanese flat. As if the S.F.-based offices weren't already rad enough, they now have an installation of The Selby's journey to remind them just how accessible they are making our coveted excursions. Can we move in?