We've always been so fascinated by French women. How do they stay so thin? What are their beauty secrets? How can we change our wardrobes to more closely resemble Marion Cotillard's closet? But, as it turns out, the French aren't exactly the crème de la crème when it comes to style. According to a new report, New York is actually the most fashionable city in the world.
The study comes from Global Language Monitor in Austin, TX. The organization mined 250,000 blogs, print mags, and social mediums for buzzwords associated with haute couture, ready-to-wear, and fashion. The research focused on words and phrases like fashion, fashionable, best designers ever, most stylish people in the world, and (our personal favorite) better than Paris. The team then tracked the frequency and usage of these words, using those numbers to create a global ranking of the most fashionable cities on Earth.
The result? NYC is the top city for style. Okay, so we beat Paris by just 0.5%, but we're still calling it a victory. Trailing behind the French capital were London, L.A., and Barcelona. Sorry, Paris. Better luck next year. France can keep the title on best beauty secrets, though. That's definitely their thing. Also, cheese. (The Cut)