Everybody, today is Facebook's 10th anniversary. Tenth! If that doesn't make a gal feel old, nothing will. In honor of the big milestone, the site is doing all kinds of things that will help you walk down memory lane — and be completely embarrassed in the process.
For starters, the crack reporters over at Business Insider figured out how to find your first-ever wall post. It's simple, really — just go to your profile page timeline, click on the date you joined the 'book, and scroll all the way down to the bottom. But, tread lightly, people. What you find might terrify you.
In the interest of full disclosure/hard-hitting journalism, below is what this reporter found at the very beginning of her wall. For comparison purposes, this photo was taken at the bat mitzvah of a cousin who is now about to graduate college. (Hey, Julia! Mazel!)
In case your first wall post doesn't bring you enough nostalgia, Facebook also rolled out the Lookback, an animated video of all your time on the site. It shows you old photos, your most liked statuses, and all the terrible tube tops you used to wear. Click here to check out yours. Happy birthday, Facebook! (Business Insider)