James Franco Wants To Be Your Valentine

1jfPhoto: Via @jamesfrancotv.
Feeling sad and single on this Valentine's Day? Thisclose to throwing your smug coworker's red roses down the toilet? Desperately looking for a tall, dark, and handsome stranger to whisk you off your feet? Don't worry — we've found the perfect partner. Could it be anyone else but James Franco?
The actor/supreme multitasker is stepping up to the plate to be the surrogate Valentine's Day date you may (or may not) have always dreamed of. The Spring Breakers star won our hearts this morning by sharing the hilariously endearing photo above with the caption, "Happy v-day. If you be alone, I be there with ya. Xxx." Aww. Surely that beats having a cookie bouquet delivered to your desk, right? Put that in your pipe and smoke it, Theresa from Accounts Receivable.
Okay, so maybe our favorite cinematic stoner won't be there to bring us breakfast in bed or gaze adoringly into our eyes during a couple's massage. But, it's nice knowing he cares enough to make us feel a little less lonely. JF + us = LUV 4EVA.

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