Lindsay Lohan's ready for her close-up, and Oprah Winfrey's OWN network is happy to follow suit. Alas, we'll have to wait until March 9 for Lindsay, an eight-part "docu-series" chronicling the embattled starlet's life, to start airing on the network. In the meantime, a publicity photo reveals that the redhead seems to be settling in nicely into her new reality star role.
Sporting a black top with sheer panels, the 27-year-old actress strikes a pensive pose for the reality show. Her tattoos are on display, perhaps hinting at the exposure set to come as she reveals her personal demons on TV.
According to OWN, the Mean Girls star "opens up as never before, discussing everything from her emotional recovery process to her exhausting run-ins with the paparazzi." The show's director, Amy Rice, earned an Emmy nomination for her work on By The People: The Election of Barack Obama, so we're expecting something much deeper than the usual reality fluff. After six stints in rehab, that might be what Lohan needs. And, if Oprah Winfrey can't do the girl justice, who can? DVR's set, fingers crossed, etc. (People)