Shall we call this, "House Of Cards Against Humanity"? Yes, yes we shall.
Cards Against Humanity is basically an Apples to Apples-like party game for the sort of awful, horrible people our cynical society produces these days. You'd love it.
Being that House of Cards appeals to the more, shall we say, refined end of our base impulses and desires, a Cards Against Humanity extension pack is a brilliant no-brainer. It's the same sort of brilliance that put erasers on the ends of pencils.
For those who love the show — and there are a lot of you — this is a must-buy. For those who love the game, this, too, is an essential for your next dinner party. Of course, that being the case, the pack is already sold out. Never fear — like almost all Cards Against Humanity sets, this can be downloaded for free on the company's website. Just print them out for yourself and revel in maliciousness with your loved ones over a strong, nearly lethal, cocktail. (Swipelife)