Gina Marinelli, associate fashion features editor
"Two friends and I were going on a date with a bunch of strangers under false pretenses to write about it for our job. Basically, this should have been the start of my rom-com. I am basically Kate Hudson in this scenario, right? But, it became crystal clear before the six of us even ordered our second drinks that there was no potential Matthew McConaughey characters here. I did, however, get the 'com' part right.
Vanessa Golembewski, editorial assistant
"If I had to sum up the general nature of our Grouper, I'd say this: It was as if the men on this date gathered the most insane, ridiculous things they've ever heard another human say/read in an online comments section and used those very things as conversation fodder. This included, but was not limited to, the ways in which Obama is destroying America and a lecture on the proper use of Ebonics.
Zooey Purdy, product manager
"At a certain point (very early on), it was incredibly clear that this date would not be ending in any romantic fashion or friendly phone number exchange. The three guys lacked a basic degree of maturity expected from an adult who has graduated from university (I am not impressed by hearing a 30-something boast about being stoned every day while working). So, when one of them asked me to tell him an 'exciting story,' I decided to have some fun with it and concocted a story describing a short acting role I played as a child in which I was eaten by a Pterodactyl during a scene in Jurassic Park. I'm not sure what response I was expecting, but it definitely was not to be snidely informed that 'Pterodactyls are veggiesaurs, DUH.'