Forever Not Is The App That Let’s You Gamble On Love

foreverPhoto: Courtesy of Forever Not.
If you've ever had a burning desire to bet on whether or not your friends' relationships will last, now you can. The brand-new app Forever Not allows users to swipe left or right to indicate whether or not they think couples they know will make it to the altar, or wind up burning photographs of one another in a sea of rage and resentment. If you swipe left, go get fitted for a suit. Swipe right, and get your shoulder ready, because it's about to get cried on.
The app finds couples you know by linking to your Facebook, working much in the same way that Tinder does. But, one of the most difficult things to do is tell your friend that their relationship is doomed. Luckily, Forever Not lets you wish them well or cast your doubt in total anonymity.
And, since the idea of voting against your friends' love feels inherently wrong, Forever Not also intersperses celebrity couples to help lighten the mood. We just weighed in on Kim and Kanye, and it was so much fun. Now it's you're turn. (Business Insider)

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