At this point, you’re probably pretty sick of seeing the little heart icon pop up on your Facebook feed, and the stream of congratulations (or commiserations) that follow. It’s become a filtered forum of on-again, off-again musings — sometimes you care; but most of the time, you don’t. It’s more dramatic than an episode of Girls.
And, while we’re happy to see the expansion of available status options (same-sex, FTW), we think it would be pretty hilarious if the 'Book added some truthful, painfully funny updates to their arsenal. Hey, someone’s got to keep things interesting, here (engagement and breakups are so passé). From bromances and casual-sex announcements to falling outs and loveless relationships, take a gander at these belly laugh-inducing sentiments on College Humor. If only this were real. Zuck, can we get this going?