Ladies are always fighting off antiquated gender stereotypes: We do like sports, we don't necessarily know how to make a roast dinner — you get the idea. But, the same is true for dudes. For years, women have said that men don't like to share their thoughts or talk abut their feelings. Now, new research has debunked that myth, proving that men totally share their feelings — just not to your face.
According to Time, men are using social media to say things they would never say in person. And, research from Northwestern University shows that males are also more likely to share their creative work, like writing, music, and art, online.
Eva Buechel, a PhD candidate at University of Miami, told Time, "Men have different relationships with their friends, and they might find it more difficult to approach someone in particular to talk to when they need someone to listen or comfort them.” So, guys take to social media for some one-sided conversation. L.A.-based psychologist Dr. Seth Meyers says when men deal with something over text, email, or online communication, they don't have to deal with the in-person reactions of other people. As Dr. Meyers explains in an interview with Time, "Connecting online offers men the illusion of security, even though it often causes frustration later among their dates who are wondering, ‘Why is he different and more closed when we’re actually together?’”
So, the next time you're tempted to ask that hated question, "What are you thinking about?" you could probably just check his Twitter feed for the answer. (Time)