As you'll learn throughout today and the weeks to come, the Divergent soundtrack is kind of the new Hunger Games/Catching Fire soundtrack, which, of course, is the new Twilight soundtrack. This is all to say that all of this movie music is chock-full with exclusive singles from bands we love perfectly tuned to the super-emotional tones of these Y.A. novel adaptations.
Right here, we've got our girl Ellie Goulding doing her trademark Kate-Bush-meets-Calvin-Harris thing on a track that could easily be one of her own tasty singles. The only difference here is that it comes off a soundtrack where she's supplying the “musical voice” for Divergent's lead character Tris Prior, whose actual voice is supplied by actor Shailene Woodley. As director Neil Burger told Entertainment Weekly about using Goulding several times on the soundtrack and throughout the film, "It’s an intimate, personal portrait, but on a grand scale. Ellie’s music has that very intimate quality. You are in the heart of her characters, in their souls, in their minds. When she sings her voice resonates inside you. Her music was a perfect way to do all that for Tris — to feel what she was feeling inside.” Interesting, yes.
Click below to hear Goulding do her best Tris, and watch out for the complete soundtrack, available March 11. (Entertainment Weekly)
Video: Via Vevo.