You know in the '90s, when you used to bring pictures of Jennifer Aniston as Rachel to your stylist and say, "I want my hair to look like that"? Well, guys are doing that now, too. Except it's 2014, and they're bringing in pictures of Ryan Gosling and George Clooney for beard inspiration. Yep, no joke — the latest craze in male beauty is facial-hair transplants.
Ranging anywhere from $3,000 to $7,000, this service is seemingly a direct result of the glorification of hipster culture as well as the undeniable beauty of bearded celebrities (hi, Brad Pitt). One specialist, Dr. Jeffrey Epstein, told DNAinfo that he's averaging about three customers per week in his Midtown East and Miami offices. Another specialist, Dr. Yael Halaas, told the news site the cool-kid 'hoods of Williamsburg, Bushwick, and Park Slope have each given her four or five clients within the past year. But, she explained her clients aren't merely the hipster crowd: She also helps men with facial scarring, as well as Hasidic Jews and the transgendered community.
So, how does it work? The doctor takes hair from the patient's head, then implants it using micro-incisions on the face. This is done under local anesthesia and takes about eight hours. If the man is balding and would rather preserve what little hair he has left, this process can also use chest hair. (Mean Girls' Janice would feel so vindicated.)
Once the hair is implanted, it will fall out. But, the idea is that the root remains in the man's face and continues to grow into a full beard. Or, for those of a more mature demographic, you can also opt for the Tom Selleck mustache treatment. (DNAinfo)
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