First shampoo, then conditioner. These are the words — nay, this is the mantra, we've based our lives around. It's just what one does in the shower. It's what's right.
But, is it? There's an article up on xoJane that has us taking a good hard look at our routine. Do we shampoo before conditioner because it works better or because we're lemmings? Apparently, there's a lot to gain from switching up this order, as the author of the piece discovered. Her super-fine hair has benefited in a serious way from conditioning before shampooing.
It makes sense, if you think about it. Washing the conditioner out with shampoo can prevent it from weighing your hair down — and if your hair is prone being flat and greasy, this is a great thing, indeed.
Check out the full story to learn all about why we should all reconsider the order of our washing, and let us know if you'll try it. (xoJane)