We all know that Chelsea Handler is hysterical. But, she's not just brilliant when it comes to rattling off pop culture jokes on her show. She's equally sharp talking about — and making fun of — books.
The New York Times talked to the comedian about her love for paperbounds, and we're totally digging her entertaining answers. She chatted about a variety of tomes, from one that made her feel "that I do in fact have a healthy relationship with alcohol," to one that had her completely lost. "I started [Midnight's Children] but found it impossible," she said. "A quarter of the way through, I didn’t know if the bird was a bird, or a shadow; or if I was in a lake, or on a lake; or in a boat, or if I was a ghost or if I was even in India."
As for what she plans on reading next? "It will be something heavy and/or historical. Either my Henry VIII book or Bristol Palin’s latest collection of haikus." As you do, Chelsea! (The New York Times)