Is This The Most Expensive & Silliest Facebook Post Ever?

priceyFB_030414_01Illustrated by Sandy Ley.
When will we ever learn what not to say on social media? This week, Miami teenager Dana Snay offered another example of how badly a Facebook update can go when she shared the details of her father’s discrimination payout with 1,200 of her closest FB friends. The only problem? The information was confidential. Oops.
In 2010, Snay’s father, Patrick Snay, filed an age discrimination lawsuit against his former employer Gulliver Preparatory School. The case was closed the following year with Snay Sr. receiving an $80,000 settlement plus $10,000 back pay, which was subject to a confidentiality agreement.
On Snay’s now-defunct Facebook page, she posted the following missive: “Mama and Papa Snay won the case against Gulliver. Gulliver is now officially paying for my vacation to Europe this summer. SUCK IT.”
As Dana Snay was a recent Gulliver graduate, plenty of her former school chums picked up on the post, and the school soon caught wind of it. And, as the Miami Herald reports, four days after the deal was made, the school’s lawyers informed the family that the settlement was off, and Dana could bid bye-bye to her European vacay. Looks like it might be a little late for that father-daughter social-media privacy chat? (Miami Herald)

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