Your old pal the Standardized Aptitude Test is actually rolling back the clock and returning to an earlier form. This writer here is old enough (cough, wheeze) to remember a time when there were no essay questions on the SATs. You young'ns, however, had to churn out paragraph responses against the clock. Honestly, this writer feels for you.
Now, that famous metric used for getting into the college of your choice is doing away with the essay section for this year's incoming freshman class — they'll take it in 2016. As well, the test will revert to its old 1600-point scoring system. (So, any geniuses who scored a 2400 will sound like extreme geniuses in the near future.) Gone, too, will be the obscure "SAT words" — you know, those odd bits of vocab you memorized for the test and then never used?
Experts behind the changes say the new test will better reflect classroom learning, actual intellectual prowess, and equalize the playing field for students whose families can't afford exhaustive, expensive SAT prep. Self-interest is also at play, as the new (old) format will help the 88-year-old test get back up to par with the competing ACT test. Basically, it's a win for students and a win for the SAT. The only ones losing, really, are you poor souls who sweated through the inflated test for the past few years. Our hearts go out to you. (Washington Post)