You know, sometimes porn just needs a Valencia filter slapped onto it. Or, perhaps a Willow filter to class it up because black-and-white images with diffused shadows makes anything artistic. Well, fear not, fellow dreamers, because Uplust is here to sex up your porn-consuming habits.
If you've ever wished that your hourly thumb-flicking and double-tapping jaunt through the lives of those you follow was a little more, erm, hardcore, Uplust will fulfill that wish — and then some. Instagram's terms and conditions (you've read those, right?) don't allow for anything racy to be shared on its platform. Its even banned certain hashtags because they put users at risk of viewing "inappropriate" or potentially harmful images. But, what if, for whatever reason, you really wanted to share that topless selfie? Post it on Instagram and you're account could be terminated; post it to Uplust and watch as the likes roll in.
Quentin Lechemia, a French web developer, launched the app (currently available for Android) because he saw a demand for a platform that allows users to post NSFW pictures in a safe, non-judgmental space. It functions similarly to its SFW sister with filters and all that kit and caboodle. According to The Daily Dot, users are not primarily porn stars, though. Lechemia noted in an e-mail to TDD that most of Uplust's users are your average Joe and Jane who want to share their riskier side — one that Instagram won't allow. It joins the ranks of other NSFW-social media spinoffs like Fuckbook and Pinsex that have jumped on the burgeoning industry of user-generated, "social" porn. Feel free to get hip to it, but proceed and share at your own risk. (The Daily Dot)