You Can Find Out Who Unfriended You On Facebook (But Would You Want To Know?)

1fbImage: Via Unfriend Notify.
Yesterday you had 568 Facebook friends. Today you have 567 — and a major chip on your shoulder. Was it something you said? Did someone simply delete their profile? How could someone have a beef with dear, darling you?
Now, you can find out. Thanks to a new browser extension called Unfriend Notify, you can keep track of which peeps are no longer privy to your holiday photos and Buzzfeed quiz results. Download the extension in Chrome or Firefox to see a tab in Facebook called "lost friends." By "lost," we, of course, mean the shockingly rude frenemies who you really didn't like or know anyway.
Unfriend Notify sounds pretty handy, but you might want to use it sparingly. You may not like what you see, and sending the de-friendee a screen grab of their guilty face is unlikely to repair relations. We say, shrug it off. Do you really care if you never know which Princess Bride character they would be? (Business Insider)

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