I F—ing Love Science Will Be A TV Show Produced By Craig Ferguson

craig-2Photo: REX USA/MediaPunch Inc.

When it comes to science shows, we're pretty much Bill Nye loyalists. And, ever since his show went off the air, we kind of just assumed that was it for any similar programming. Last night, however,
the Science Channel announced that it will premiere a new show called I F—ing Love Science. And, Craig Ferguson will be its executive producer. So, it's probably going to be funny.

For those unfamiliar, the basis for the show is from the massive Facebook success of Elise Andrew, a British biology student who created the trend. Ferguson told a #SXSW audience "Science has a naughty secret — it’s that all things are connected. And this show is going to explore the randomness of science. Think of it as a late night Google search that goes a hundred pages deep until things get weird — and then you just keep going.” We're into that.
The show will run as 60-minute episodes and is set to debut this fall. We love you, Bill, but this just might be the answer to our nerdy-TV prayers. (Entertainment Weekly)

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