Grizfolk’s Living The Vagabond Life & Wants You To Do The Same

At Refinery29, our ethos of discovery means that we are always keeping our ear to the ground, hoping to unearth the very best new artist or an exciting collaboration from a musician we already know and love. That is to say, we take our music very seriously. We don't put our stamp of approval on anything that we wouldn't load directly into our own iPod (or Spotify, or other various audio devices) first. So, you can trust the excitement we're bubbling over with in sharing a new live video for "Vagabonds" from Grizfolk off of its debut EP From the Spark. Here is what you gotta know:

Who? Grizfolk, a modern-day beatnik quintet with pipes for days.

How long have they been around? The group's been making waves since 2013.

What does Grizfolk sound like? Imagine if Mumford & Sons escaped the fields of England, hijacked a trusty van, and set out for the west strumming and howling at the moon along the way — that's what Grizfolk sounds like. And, we'd add: genuine.

When should you listen to it? When you're in need of a worldly escape.

If this song was an ice cream flavor, it would be: Freedom (that's a flavor, right?) with real cherries mixed in.

Grizfolk is one of those bands that piques your interest at first listen, but you can't quite figure out why. The more you listen, though, the more you realize that it's the updated approach to wanderlust that keeps you coming back for more. It's not all banjos, sandblasted digs, and dusty boots. It's redefining the ramblin'-man archetype for the 21st century. It only seems appropriate that Griz (we're on a first-name basis) took to The Canyon for a live performance of "Vagabonds." Plus, you know Grizfolk is a force to be reckoned with when its live sets sound just as good as its studio ones (trust us, we caught 'em when it was in New York a few weeks ago). Check out the video below and, if you're feeling extra wanderlust-y, the From the Spark EP will take you away from whatever it is you do with your daylight hours.

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