Leech Therapy Now Available In Brooklyn, Because Of Course It Is

Andrew Plucinski is a Polish immigrant. He lives in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. Oh! He's also running a leeching therapy service out of his loft, which he's dubbed the Silesian Holistic Center. Hirudotherapy (don't even Google it) is a popular service among Eastern European immigrants. Indeed, most of Plucinski's clients hear about him via word of mouth. The service, he claims, can solve 98% of all health problems, including migraines and sciatica.
There's something about going to see Plucinski that feels medieval. You know — bloodletting and Chaucer and such. But, leeches are used — albeit marginally — in some surgical procedures in the U.S. If you're not too squeamish, check out the full interview in The Guardian. If you need us, we'll be ruminating over how Brooklyn this is. (Brokelyn)

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