Love it as we do, HBO's Game of Thrones isn't exactly known as a brimming fount of gay voices. Granted, there was the whole plot line involving Renly Baratheon's hidden, ill-fated romance with Loras Tyrell, and actor Lena Headey (Cersei Lannister) has spoken indirectly about her bisexaulity before. Other than a few male-gaze friendly lesbian romps, however, that's about as queer as the show gets.
Today, however, we learned that Kristian Nairn, the actor behind fan favorite, Hodor, has come out of the closet. Actually, as the 6'10" Irish DJ tells it, he wasn't all that "in" to begin with. "I’ve never hidden my sexuality from anyone, my whole life in fact, and I’ve been waiting for someone to ask about it in an interview, 'cause it’s not something you just blurt out," Nairn told fan site Winter is Coming. Truth be told, he's been spoiling for an opportunity for a while. "I’ve tried to lead the questions a few times," he continued, "to no avail!" That's kind of cute, actually.
Hodor, for those of you who don't follow the show (for shame!) is the simple, sweet caretaker of several of the younger characters, a half-giant who's only capable of saying one word: "Hodor". In this, he's just about the only source of humor in what is otherwise a grim-as-ash series and adored by the show's many fans. So much so, that both Hodor and Nairn have developed somewhat of a cult following in the gay bear community, a fact that inspired the Winter Is Coming question that gave the actor a chance to come out (sort of). For more about Nairn's career and very positive feelings about his own sexuality, check out Winter Is Coming. Hodor! (Huffington Post)