Disney is out to brainwash us all, y'all. All those princesses, love stories, tales of adventure and magic are deep ploys to manipulate the masses. Or, at least, that's what all the conspiracy theorists say with Frozen being the latest film accused of sending subliminal messages.
What could possibly be hidden beneath a story of two sisters saving a kingdom from eternal winter and subsequently restoring their own respective confidence? It's gay. Gay. Gay. Gay. And, it's gotten many a writer's pants in a bunch. "I could blatantly see that the homosexual agenda, to normalize the practice, was not simply an underlying message in the movie Frozen, but is the actual story," Kathryn Skaggs wrote on her blog after seeing the movie three times with her grandchildren.
Please allow this author, a gay man, to apologize for pushing The Gay Agenda with catchy songs of empowerment and a story of learning one's own self-worth. If Frozen does, indeed, set out to "allow liberalism to indoctrinate children," the theme being pushed on unsuspecting kiddos is self-acceptance. Well, that does kind of remind us of a phrase made famous by the Gay Whisperer herself, Lady Gaga (we were all "born this way."). If that's the Gay Agenda — promoting positive self-esteem — then so be it. Frozen didn't skyrocket to the Academy Awards for no reason. Its message is one of finding strength and proud. If that's something you find fearful, go ahead and join "the choir" that Skaggs is preaching to, as The Daily Beast's Caitlin Dickson proposes. Or, allow yourself to be swayed by the movie's spirit and let it go. (The Daily Beast)