1. "I Woke Up Like This"
We subscribe to the WWBD — What Would Beyoncé Do? — philosophy. And, this product suggests we do not wake up flawless. Not into it
2. Language
Colloquially referred to as the walk of shame, there's actually zero shame to be had about a random sexual encounter. The Kit's website says its product is "everything you'll need to walk home with your head held high." Apparently, casual sex is something women ought to be embarrassed about. Even more troubling is the recommendation for men to keep a kit handy for their lady callers. "Aren't you tired of her taking your favorite tee-shirt the morning after to walk home in. Your problem is now solved, keep a Walk of Shame Kit in your house and don't have to worry about calling her to get your favorite tee back again." So, the product assumes that its clients are heterosexual and that men don't ever call women back after sex. Woof.
3. Winter
Even if you do feel that you need to hide last night's activities, you won't be fooling anyone if you're tromping around in flip-flops anytime other than summertime.