Tune-Yards Drops New Song, We Drop Everything We’re Doing

Merrill Garbus has a pretty amazing résumé. More endearingly known as tUnE-yArDs, this New England native's done some pretty wonderful things in the art and music world. Did you know she used to be a puppeteer for a theater in Vermont?
Since 2009, she's taken to the stage sans felt friends, with her partner Nate Brenner, to perform exciting, genre-defying music to rapt audiences around the world. But, it's Garbus' history that makes her such an interesting performer — and it continues to influence her work. tUnE-yArDs just released a new single that showcases her lively, unexpected approach to music that continues to inspire and delight us. The song, "Water Fountain," is a teaser from the forthcoming album, Nikki Nack. The album makes its U.S. debut on May 6. Until then, enjoy the get-up-and-dance quality of "Water Fountain." (Vulture)

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