The saying goes: Revenge is a dish best served cold. Or, in the case of one online shopper, it’s best served via mobile phone with unlimited text message plan.
Two weeks ago, 24-year-old graphic designer Edd Joseph bought a PS3 console from Gumtree for £80. And, then he never received it. After numerous failed attempts to contact the buyer, Joseph got frustrated and decided to do something about it. So, he sent the buyer the entire works of Shakespeare. By text message.
“...[It] just occurred to me you can copy and paste things from the Internet and into a text message,” he explained in an interview with The Bristol Post. “It got me thinking, 'What can I send to him' which turned to 'What is a really long book', which ended with me sending him Macbeth." In case you’re interested, it took over 600 messages to send the Scottish play in its entirety.
So far, Joseph has sent 22 of the Bard’s 37 plays via text message, and he approximates that it will take 29,000 text messages to deliver the complete works. Sadly, this outlandish exercise hasn’t resulted in uniting Joseph with his coveted console, though he has received some fairly irate messages from the buyer in question. Looks like the mobile phone truly is mightier than the sword? (The Independent)