Meet the latest work of art you never thought you actually needed: edible food maps. As The Independent reports, New Zealand photographer Henry Hargreaves and U.S. food stylist Caitlin Levin have painstakingly recreated every country and continent based on the signature foodstuffs each particular nation is known for.
In the case of the U.S., there's corn aplenty, with popcorn, corn kernels, and tortilla chips covering a big chunk of the map. In France, the map is made up of every type of cheese imaginable. And, in Italy, the tomato is king.
Unfortunately, the U.K. appears to be constructed almost entirely from biscuits of the jammy-dodger, bourbon, and custard-cream variety. What about fish and chips? But, as Hargreaves explained to The Independent: “The project speaks to the universality of how food unites people, brings us together, and starts conversations.”
If you'd like this conversation to continue in the comfort of your own kitchen, the duo is selling prints. Though, you may want to wait until their next project is completed to snag one. They are in the process of recreating all 50 states in breakfast products. We can almost smell the bacon. (The Independent)