We're always on the quest for the next do-it-all magic plant with beauty superpowers. And, by "quest," we mean we comb the Internet on the regular to see if someone has done us a solid and discovered it. According to Vogue, that day has arrived. Enter the baobab tree.
Of course, when we talk about the "discovery" of an ingredient like this, it needs to be taken with a grain of salt. Women in Africa have been using the fruit of the baobab tree in hair and skin-care routines for centuries. Actually, it was the fact that African women are already using this superfruit that caught the eye of Dr. Simon Jackson, a scientist on a skin-care expedition. Noting its miraculous properties, he incorporated it into his own line of beauty products.
So, what makes this plant so marvelous? As Vogue reports, Dr. Jackson says, “The baobab fruit contains more calcium than two pints of milk, more vitamin C than six oranges, and more iron than red meat." The oil of the fruit, when applied topically, "Boosts skin elasticity and encourages cell regeneration."
So, it's no wonder this ingredient is the star of Dr. Jackson's skin cream, which, despite its DIY backstory, isn't cheap. We have to wonder how the women who've grown up using this fruit feel about its new repackaging and price tag. That being said, if this becomes a trendy ingredient in the beauty industry, it could lead to the creation of more jobs in Africa. And, according to Vogue, Dr. Jackson is "collaborating with rural communities on a tree-planting program to promote indigenous species like the baobab, with a percentage of the proceeds going back to conservation and education."
Dr. Jackson found a plethora of other hardworking beauty ingredients in Africa that have also been incorporated into his line. Click on over to Vogue to learn more about the collection and the ingredients that go into it. (Vogue.com)
Dr. Jackson's Skin Cream, $120, available at Net-A-Porter.
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