The Most Astonishing Beauty Transformations On YouTube

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When we featured eyelid art superstar Tal Peleg, we had the feeling that there was more beauty talent to be found out there in the social media world. Yes, YouTube is famous for providing sixteen-year-old vloggers a platform to share every beauty product they've ever bought — but, there are also a slew of videos by supremely talented makeup artists that allow us amateurs to scope out the step-by-steps to their incredible transformations.
To appreciate the artistry of these talented individuals, we scoped out some of the best YouTube artists and linked their coolest, most mind-blowingly real-looking beauty transformations — from an eerily accurate Jared Leto to a dead-on take on Lorde. Click through and tune in: These might not be the easiest makeup DIYs, but we guarantee you'll be inspired by these artists' abilities to recreate some seriously iconic looks.

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Jared Leto by Anastasiya Shpagina

Try as we might, there has been no escaping the magnetic pull of Jared Leto lately. So, when we spotted this video of makeup artist Anastasiya Shpagina transforming herself into The Ombré'd One's likeness (down to his moody rock-star persona, natch), we felt like it was fate.

The Beautiful Death by Michelle Phan
Michelle Phan is the master of pretty, natural makeup looks, but we were downright mesmerized by how Phan's tribute to the Mexican holiday Día de Muertos showcased her serious face-painting skills.
Justin Bieber by Kandee Johnson
We salute makeup artist Kandee Johnson for transforming herself into an incredibly realistic rendering of the young teenage pop star/thug. We admit that we don't know how we'd feel about ourselves if we were that much of a dead ringer for The Biebs.
Shpagina is at it again, this time with a recreation of Miley Cyrus' full persona (down to her tongue wag, peace signs, and general flirty-rebel vibe).
Duck Dynasty by Kandee Johnson
We're kind of speechless with this one. But, you do you, Kandee.
Mona Lisa by Dope2111
Seriously, if you ever the skills of beauty vloggers, feast your eye on this girl, who literally transformed herself into a work of art. Fascinating.
Breaking Bad by SmashinBeauty

Walter White isn't the most obvious of beauty inspirations, but we have to admit that this
Breaking Bad transformation is kind of mesmerizing. (Way to rock that facial hair, girl.)

Bruno Mars by Dope2111
Okay, we'll admit that this makeup artist happens to look like she could be Bruno Mars' sister, even with no makeup — but, still, isn't her final look just uncanny?
Lorde by Dope2111
We're amazed by Dope2111's contouring and shaping skills — and we're seriously impressed by how she nails the unique shape of the star's burgundy-swathed lips.

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