Welcome to Louisiana, where the trees are made of peppermint bark and streets are paved with corndogs because they just spilled out of a truck all over the highway. A route in Shreveport was shut down on Tuesday morning after a semitruck spilled enough corndogs to feed a small food court, blocking several lanes for hours.
According to police reports, "The truck's load of corndogs spilled all over the roadway." The truck's driver was heading west at 3:40 a.m. when the big rig hit the guard rail and flipped, unleashing a blanket of golden, pillowy fury over several lanes across the I-220.
Cleanup crews are currently working to salvage the outside bread part of the corndogs, since that's the part everyone likes better anyway. Fortunately, no one was injured. Except our sad, sad feelings. (WBRZ)