Surprise! Beyoncé Made Another Video For “Grown Woman”

You already know this story: Beyoncé dropped her visual album, the world stopped for a hot second, and some of us are still just hitting repeat nonstop. Though "Grown Woman" was never a part of the original 14-song lineup, Bey played it on the Mrs. Carter World Tour and the tune bopped behind her recent Pepsi commercials. (Side note: remember when she seemed to only release new material in the form of commercials?)
"Grown Woman" also snuck its way onto her out-of-the-blue album as a bonus video that held its own but, despite a pretty amazing Tina Knowles cameo, just didn't jive with the rest of the set. (See for yourself on page two.) Well, little did we know that an alternate video was being produced to surprise us all on an otherwise uneventful Monday.
This time around, Beyoncé and her team went crazy with alter egos and animation. Tina doesn't make an appearance, but Bey gives enough identity transformations to keep us interested. We have to note, though, that we were just slightly less excited as we were when the first surprise material surfaced. Is there such a think as surprise-video fatigue syndrome? We might be getting it. How 'bout a little warning next time, Ms. Yoncé?

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