Jennifer Connelly embodies all of our beauty hopes and dreams. She's a classic stunner with an edge — she was rockin' bold brows way before bold brows were cool. And, at the London premiere of the highly anticipated Noah, Connelly once again blazed new trails.
Now, we've seen a color-coordinated lip/clothing combo before, but we were taken aback by Connelly's uncanny ability to match both her lipstick and eyeshadow to the accent shade on her sequined gown. And, it's of note that this mauve-y hue isn't exactly an easy-to-duplicate fire-engine red or pale pink — we're thinking this was most definitely a concerted effort on the part of Connelly and her makeup artist.
But, the real question here is, did their efforts backfire? We're the first to say that match-y makeup can look totally cheeseball. But, in this case, we think it works. Perhaps it's because her dress isn't this same shade all over. Or, maybe it's just because, um, she's Jennifer Connelly. Either way, we're big fans of this beauty look. But, we're wondering — would you step out with coordinated eyes, lips, and dress? Weigh in, below.
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