Here's the thing about that whole Lean In, having-it-all, equal-representation-at-the-C-level conversation. It's powerful — and important. But also, limiting. It speaks most profoundly to women who are already in careers and achieving on some level; women who have means, even if they haven't reached their full earning potential. But, the idea of succeeding should touch every woman, old and young, across races and ethnicities, all over the globe, and of every socio-economic status.
And, you know who agrees with us? Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton and Chelsea Clinton — and they're doing something about it. The Clinton Foundation has launched No Ceilings: The Full Participation Project to encourage women and girls from all walks of life to participate in this critical social discussion. The project brings together a wide range of organizations to evaluate the progress we've made in the 20 years since the U.N. Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing. And tomorrow, the Clinton women are hosting the first in a series of forums meant to further the conversation — right here in New York City.
Seating is limited, but you can participate virtually via livestream (as long as you RSVP!). Or, you can tweet your thoughts using the hashtag #NoCeilings. Kind of an amazing opportunity to have your ideas heard and your feelings, fears, and challenges known. Tweet along with us?
When: Thursday, April 17, 3 p.m.
RSVP: Right here for the livestream.
RSVP: Right here for the livestream.