Pouring yourself a cup of ambition these days is as easy as plugging in your headphones and tuning out the rest of the world. According to a recent study by Dr. Anneli Haake, working rocking 9-to-5 has become the norm. About 61% of workers polled said they listen to music whilst on the clock.
Spotify published stats from the study by Haake and her team of global workplace music experts — and the results offer some interesting insights into current corporate culture. Of those participants, 36% said music, whether ambient noise or some Tom Petty, made them happier and more productive. (Just 16% said they use music to "drown out annoying coworkers," but we've got a feeling the rest of those questioned were trying to be courteous.)
We're not jamming out to any 'ole kind of music. Rihanna and Mumford & Sons tied for third most listened to, Arctic Monkeys came in second, while Adele triumphed as the number one most-listened-to artist at the workplace. Unfortunately, Beyoncé and her whole girls-running-the-world mantra came in just below the top three, alongside Bruno Mars and Katy Perry.
This finally answers the question made famous by Lil John: Turned down for what? For work, obviously. We'll save the flawless callouts and roaring for the nightly turn-up function, instead. (Spotify)