There's no magic formula to online dating. In fact, there's really no secret to relationships in general. But, thanks to the hard work of many researchers, we're starting to crack the code of dating websites once and for all. As it turns out, there are a few things you can do to make yourself stand out among the crowd. It may not guarantee you find your one true love, but it's certainly a step in the right direction — if you're looking for that, of course.
A team of researchers analyzed what's known as the word cloud on PlentyOfFish to find out which terms showed up in profiles the most. The scientists broke it down even further and determined the five words that were most popular with users who left the site with a relationship. In other words, the more of these phrases you throw in your online profile, the bigger the chance at success you have. Without further ado, those words are: love, time, life, friend, and music.
Our (unscientific) analysis is that keeping things meaningful and romantic will help you out. We're not suggesting you completely change your profiles, of course, but maybe keep this in mind the next time you're looking to spruce up your Tinder page.