Mondays are always a drag, but this last one was particularly brutal after we missed the prior night's game-changing episode of Game of Thrones. As a result, we spent the day ducking and dodging spoilers being hurled our way at every turn. It was an anxiety-filled 24 hours, and what makes it even worse: We know it won't be our last. Thankfully, Chrome is bringing in some reinforcements.
Silencer is a Chrome extension that allows you to block potential spoilers polluting your Twitter and Facebook feeds the day of a major television event. Once you've installed it, enter specific keywords that might relate to spoilers, and Silencer will make them disappear. For Sunday's episode of GoT, keywords like "Joffrey," "The Purple Wedding," and of course "Game of Thrones" would have made your various social-media feeds relatively spoiler-free.
As an added bonus, Silencer comes equipped with built-in Mute Packs, which contain a set of pre-established keywords that relate to your favorite shows. Oh, and the extension doesn't just block spoilers. It blocks any keyword or hashtag that your heart desires. Sorry #selfie, you had your day. (ThinkDigit)